Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What's the most important environmental issue for administration to focus on? (Re: First General Meeting, Spring 2010)

As we discussed at the meeting tonight, we want to hone in on issues for administration to focus on. So what do you think are the most important things? What are things that may not be major overhauling issues but things that can save a lot of energy? What are things that we as students can't do (whether because of access or physically), but we can get the school to do?

One example brought up at the meeting: leaky sinks in VCW

Leave your thoughts in the comments, and we'll bring them up at the next Sustainability Action Committee meeting!


  1. low flow shower heads

  2. getting renewable energy on campus!

  3. I'm surprised they haven't done low flow shower heads yet because I feel that may have been discussed in the past.

    As for renewable energy, back in 2006-7, we led a campaign called "Renewable Georgetown" that got students to sign a pledge accepting a $30 increase in tuition for a 30% investment in renewable energy; obviously, we didn't get it, but we got teh Sustainability Action Committee out of that.

    I know they are looking into getting Windspires (cool vertical rotating windmils--Check them out online) with a company for which an alumna works. I had recommended to put them between the Hariri Building and the new science building so that they can be "the merger of business and science."

    Georgetown needs to distribute those dorm room recycling bins at last since I have always thought that was an important endeavor.

    Some other pet ideas:
    1) Cutting down on paper waste from flyering

    2) Getting professors to promote double-sided printing (I loved it when one of mine actually told us to print on the back of scrap!)

    3) Breaking the ideological framework that makes people believe that bottled water must be on hand for every guest or event

    4) Working with the Corp to get more people to use reusable mugs at coffee locations

    5) Work with our ward representative (the good old Jack Evans) or even the representative for our neighboring ward (She's really into eco stuff) to try for public reyccling containers in the business districts

    That's all I can spew out now. Excited to hear more ideas!!

  4. I think that using mugs at Corp coffee shops is a great idea! Low-flow shower heads is a necessity. Are double-sided printers even available anywhere besides the business school building?

  5. Yes, everywhere I have printed (Lau, Southwest Quad, ICC) has been able to print (easily!!) double-sided.

  6. I think, in the short term, definetly planning recylemania and earthday - using these events as springboards to increase awareness of and intrest in green isssues (both in Georgetown and in the wider community/world)

  7. Thanks, Tristana, for including your name! We strongly recommend including names on posts because we would love to be able to connect ideas with faces!

  8. This isn't exactly for admins, but how about some more sustainability curriculum in classes? Outside the niche courses (environmental history, STIA, environmental biology) I'm pretty sure environmental issues impact security, health, and economic development

  9. I know the History Department has been upping the environmental history offerings, which is pretty cool.

  10. no more dasani water bottles....
