Sunday, January 15, 2012

Before you throw that away...can it be recycled?

Here's a refresher on campus recycling!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Take Action in DC!

Spring semester is underway, and EcoAction will have a ton of great events for you this semester! Stay tuned for posts about our spring programming and about eco-friendly back-to-school tips. 

Until then, there are a few exciting opportunities for environmental activism here in DC in the coming weeks. Before the workload gets too heavy, try to get out into the city and attend a rally or protest about a green issue that matters to you. 

First, a crucial rally around the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. We've been covering this since the summer, and we've had a Georgetown presence at the arrests in August and September, and also at the rally at the White House in November. For more information on the pipeline issue, check out this great overview from Friends of the Earth, or go to (the Tar Sands Action group, organized by Bill McKibben, is now part of McKibben's organization 

The next demonstration is on Monday, January 23 - the day that Congress returns to business. McKibben and the great people at are taking a stand against the big money behind the pipeline, especially the excessive influence of the American Petroleum Institute. McKibben notes that "the 234 Congresspeople who voted to expedite Keystone had taken $42 million in dirty energy money." The demonstration will start on Capitol Hill at 3:00 PM and then move to the headquarters of the American Petroleum Institute. Sign up here

(Also, take just a few seconds to send a message to Obama, declaring your opposition to Keystone XL!)