Saturday, June 6, 2009

World Environment Day

A few days ago, I found out that June 5th (yesterday) was World Environment Day. I was shocked by how under-marketed this celebration of sorts is. Earth Day (April 22) gets much more attention across civic, academic, and media circuits, but all World Environment Day got was a few blog postings. And a tree planting activity as noted on its website. What a shame that such a well-meaning holiday has not received some warranted attention! Has anyone ever heard of celebrations for this day in the past?

Photo courtesy of


  1. Michael Manis-New YorkDecember 20, 2009 at 6:44 PM

    ALgae and its creation into oil is a great new concept. Currently several companys are doing it and I believe it will help our great countrys addiction and dependence on Arab oil. We need to begin to sever the umbilical cord they have nailed to us. Michael Manis_Jericho NY

  2. Michael Manis-Jericho NYDecember 20, 2009 at 6:46 PM

    Algae is one of our greatest ongoing technological advancements in new feul and energy ongoing. We need governmental support in this field so we can end our depency on foreign oil. Their laughing at us over there and we need to put an end to their oil ways. Michael Manis-Jericho New York
